How do I install and authorize Adobe Digital Editions?


In order to download EBSCO eBooks, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer.

Adobe Digital Editions is a free download available at this link:


To install Adobe Digital Editions:

  1. Click the Download Now link found on the page linked above.

  2. Select Install.

  3. Select Yes.

  4. Follow prompts until installation is complete.

After installing Digital Editions on your computer, you will need to authorize the software. This can be done with an Adobe ID or simply selecting to authorize it without one.


To authorize Digital Editions

  1. Open the Digital Editions software.

  2. In the menu at the top of the application, click Help and select Authorize Computer from the resulting menu.

  3. Check the box for I want to authorize my computer without an ID.

  4. Click Authorize.

    Note: If you select to authorize the software without an Adobe ID, click Next and then click Authorize.


  • Last Updated Jul 17, 2019
  • Views 149
  • Answered By Sharon Whitfield

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